Business Opportunity

Check with seller
May 30, 2018 United States, Louisiana, Evergreen 98


Starr Books has been around for about ten years as a business venture.
If you are looking for a business opportunity please advise.
Look at the websites and see what you can do.
I can get the books cheaper than their purchase price, in any quanity.  So if you want to be a salesman contact me.   I think a salesman who can sell them can make between one and five dollars a copy, possibly to seven dollars a copy.
If you have a market, and would like to own a title, I can sell the rights to the books.  See websites.   Only the name of the Author and the contents main parts could not be changed,  but you would pay a price, negotiable, and then you promote the book and you keep the royalties for that title.   Then of Course Starr Books would benefit because my name is out there.   So its a Win Win.
If you are an illustrator, or other type of person in the arts who could take one of my books and polish it into a combined work, then lets negotiate.   You could take my charts, of graphic design as text boxes, and make illustrations with Ladies and Knights, and Courts etc....
If you are a teacher or other professional who would like bulk pricing of the books please contact Starr Books.    
Any or all of these opportunities are possible,  and a hard working promoter could get rich!!!!
Please consider these or other business opportunities you could come up with and contact Starr Books.  

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