What is the cancellation policy with Etihad Airways economy Class?

321.00 Dollar US$
December 14, 2024 United Arab Emirates, Dubai, Adamsville 33


If you cancel a flight within 24 hours of booking, many airlines, including Etihad, allow you to cancel without penalty. +1-888-829-1465 or +44-808-175-7366 For tickets purchased after 24 hours, cancellation fees may apply. +1-888-829-1465 or +44-808-175-7366 The amount of the fee depends on your ticket type and fare conditions. Etihad Airways offers a 24-hour risk-free cancellation policy. By calling +1-888-829-1465 or +44-808-175-7366 (USA), you can cancel within 24 hours for a full refund, provided the booking was made at least 7 days before departure. Some flights are eligible for refunds. The airline operates a 24-hour cancellation policy on direct flights, +1-888-829-1465 or +44-808-175-7366allowing you to cancel up to

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